SBS outlines success

SBS have recently featured the work of Literacy for Life Foundation, outlining excellent results achieved in regional NSW. The below extract is taken from the article How Literacy Classes Have Transformed a Town, by Gemma Wilson. Today in Collarenebri, it’s not unusual to walk past the red shed in town and see Indigenous elders...

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Graduation gets a write up in the Argus

The achievements of students from Boggabilla and Toomelah have made headlines, featuring in the Goondiwindi Argus. The newspaper has published a great write up about the graduation ceremony that was held in Toomelah in December last year, sharing the inspirational stories of the students and some great photos. Read the full story on the...

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Beetson tells ABC: More must be done

Executive Director of Literacy for Life Foundation, Jack Beetson, has called for more to be done to lift Indigenous literacy, in an interview with the ABC. “Everyday people with low literacy become further marginalised by everyday tasks,” he said. “They go into any government department and the first thing they get is, ‘Go online...

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ABC PM Features Aboriginal Literacy Program

Jack Beetson joined Linda Mottram on ABC’s PM to discuss the Foundation’s Aboriginal literacy program and why low literacy is still an issue in 2018. The interview coincided with the launch of the Foundation’s new public awareness campaign, aiming to draw attention to the issue of low literacy in Aboriginal communities. The campaign was covered...

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Jack Beetson on ABC Speaking Out

Our Executive Director Jack Beetson recently sat down to have a chat with Larissa Behrendt on ABC radio’s Speaking out. The two discussed Literacy for Life’s work lifting rates of Aboriginal literacy and progress towards closing the gap, as well as Jack’s early life and professional career. You can listen to the interview and find out...

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To lift literacy levels among Indigenous children, their parents’ literacy skills must be improved first

Bob Boughton, University of New England and Jack Beetson, University of New England In this series, we’ll discuss whether progress is being made on Indigenous education, looking at various areas including policy, scholarships, school leadership, literacy and much more. There’s a large adult-sized hole in Australia’s approach to boosting literacy levels among Indigenous children...

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